Contribute to Walthour Moss Foundation
The Walthour-Moss Foundation is an exquisite wildlife refuge in the Sandhills of North Carolina. Long leaf pine habitat once covered 90 million acres in the Southeastern United States. Less than four million acres remain. The Walthour-Moss Foundation protects over 4,180 acres of the endangered longleaf pine habitat and its indigenous flora and fauna.
Hundreds of miles of trails criss-cross the land, giving visitors a place to walk, ride horses or drive a carriage, while enjoying the natural beauty of the Sandhills. Open dawn to dusk, 365 days a year at no cost to visitors, the Foundation relies on the public for financial support to offset the expenses of trail maintenance, land management, insurance, and administrative costs of protecting the forest. The annual expenses of the Foundation total $393,250 or $94.00 per acre per year.
As someone who values or uses and enjoys the land, please support The Walthour-Moss Foundation. Members of The Ginnie and Pappy Moss Society provide over 95% of our total annual contributions. Your gift is a gift of life to the longleaf pine forest.
Make a recurring gift (monthly or annual) via E-tapestry
Use the buttons below to pledge via Paypal:
Levels of Giving | Pledge for 1 year | Pledge per Month for 12 months |
Friend of The Walthour-Moss Foundation A pledge of $500 for 1 year Under $1.40 a day |
$500 for 1 year |
$42 per month |
Pledge $500 per Year for 5 years | Pledge $42 per Month for 60 months | |
Member of the Ginnie and Pappy Moss Society A pledge of $5,000 over 5 years Under $2.75 a day |
$1,000 per year |
$83 per month |
Sustaining Member of the Ginnie and Pappy Moss Society A pledge of $10,000 over 5 years Under $5.50 a day |
$2,000 per year |
$166 per month |
Conservator of The Walthour-Moss Foundation A pledge of $25,000 over 5 years Under $14.00 a day |
$5,000 per year |
$417 per month |