Volunteer Opportunities
Bushwhacker Club
It takes a community of volunteers to keep the Foundation trails open and horse friendly. In late summer and early fall members of the Bushwhacker Club gather with their clippers, chain saws and bug spray to clear trails of fallen logs, trim back the summer’s growth and tidy jumps. Any able bodied member of the community may join by letting Landon Russell know that you will show up for the day’s work.
The Land Management Committee schedules the Bushwhacker days as needed. If cutting overgrowth is not your interest, you are welcome to help with the lunch or hand out the Bushwhacker Club caps provided to all volunteers.
Foundation neighbors with brush hogs volunteer to mow Foundation trails in the vicinity of their properties throughout the summer and early fall. The Executive Director and the Land Management Committee coordinate their efforts. If you have a brush hog and some hours to spare, they can assign you to a specific area.
Foundation Maintenance
Throughout the year, the Land Management Committee oversees the maintenance of the Foundation’s trails and physical structures. Projects such as bridge and jump repair, washout repair and signage installation and repair are ongoing. Land Management welcomes volunteers to assist with these yearly projects.
Blue Bird Boxes
Every winter, the 95 bluebird boxes in the Foundation must be cleaned and made ready for the nesting season. It is a great time to help maintain their housing and enjoy the brisk air and pine forest. Additionally, volunteers monitor the boxes during the spring and summer nesting season.
Event Volunteers
The Walthour-Moss Foundation hosts six events each year including the Horse Country Hoedown in April , the Spring Trail Ride in May, the Fun Dog Show in June, the Horse Country Social and Trick and Treat Trail Ride in October, and Preserve Our Forest Golf Tournament in early December. Helping hands are vital to facilitate the production of our Walthour-Moss Foundation community events and a variety of volunteer opportunities are available for each event.
If you would like to volunteer, please click HERE to sign up.
If you are interested in lending a hand for any of the above activities, please reach out to us. Our WMF volunteers are fantastic and we would love to have you join the team! Please contact Landon Russell at 910 695-7811, or email director@walthour-moss.org for more details.